Added on: 25/11/2021 Publish Date: 2021 1.6K Dwyieithog

Dathlu a Datblygu Cymraeg Gwaith


This is a webinar for learners and tutors involved with the Work Welsh in Further and Higher Education project and for anyone who has a Welsh language planning role in their organization.

The webinar will be presented via Zoom through the medium of Welsh with simultaneous translation into English.

With funding from the National Centre for Learning Welsh, the project has upgraded the Welsh language skills of staff at universities and colleges during the last five years throughout Wales.

Join our webinar to celebrate the successes of Work Welsh in both sectors and to hear from the learners themselves. The second part of the webinar will be an opportunity to hear about future developments.


Date and time

Thursday 16th December 10am-11.30am


10am - Celebrating Work Welsh

11am - Developing Work Welsh



  • Dona Lewis, Deputy Chief Executive and Director of Planning and Development at the National Centre for Learning Welsh
  • Nia Brodrick - Coordinator of Work Welsh in Further Education
  • Owen Thomas - Coordinator of Work Welsh in Higher Education
  • Learners' Panel -  Representatives from colleges and universities in Wales
  • Tutors of the scheme


To register, click on the registration form link below:

Documents and links:

Collection Level
Adult Learning
Coleg Cymraeg Resource Conference/Workshop
Mân Lun Gweminar Cymraeg Gwaith

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