Added on: 01/04/2024 Publish Date: 2024 155 Cymraeg Yn Unig

Gethin Matthews, ‘Troublesome and tragic’: The Easter Rising, 1916, and the Welsh Press


The Easter Rising in Dublin in 1916 began a chain of events that led to the independence of most of Ireland, but at the time its momentous significance was not appreciated in Wales. For the vast majority of Welsh people, it was pure treachery as it happened at a time when Ireland (like the rest of the United Kingdom) was engaged in a war unprecedented in its savagery and scale. This article traces how events in Ireland were seen in Wales through the lens of the war against Germany, and how the notion that Ireland (like Wales) was better off within the protective embrace of the British Empire was so widespread that it could not be challenged.

Author: Gethin Matthews

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