Added on: 06/12/2021 Publish Date: 2021 8.5K Dwyieithog

Prentis-iaith: quiz to identify level


There are four different levels of the Prentis-iaith units:

  • Ymwybyddiaeth - Awareness (for apprentices who currently have little or no Welsh language skills)
  • Dealltwriaeth - Understanding (for apprentices who already have some Welsh language skills.)
  • Hyder - Confidence (for apprentices who are keen to develop their confidence to use their Welsh in the workplace)
  • Rhuglder - Fluency (for apprentices who are fluent in Welsh to assist them to use their Welsh in the workplace)

Complete the quiz below to find out which one is suitable for you.

Documents and links:

Collection Level
Post-16 and Vocational, AS/A Level, Adult Learning
Collection belongs to
Agriculture, Business Studies, Youth work, Public services, Sports Sciences, Social Work, Nursing, Studying through the medium of Welsh, Language Skills and Language Awareness, Cross-disciplinary, Study Skills, Building and Construction, Childcare, Health and Social Care, Careers, Hospitality
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Coleg Cymraeg Resource Collection
mân lun cwis prentis iaith

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