Added on: 26/02/2021 Publish Date: 2021 1.9K Dwyieithog

The Welsh Language, the Law and Childcare


This resource is aimed at Childcare  lecturers and students. It includes a presentation and activities to check your knowledge. The presentation looks at bilingualism and its importance in the Care Sector in Wales. It also looks at the laws that have had an impact on how we all use Welsh today. The content is relevant to Childcare Level 2 Core (Learning Outcomes 9.1 - 9.9).

This resource was adapted by the Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol. Thank you to Pembrokeshire College for sharing the original material.

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Collection Level
Post-16 and Vocational
Collection belongs to
Childcare, Health and Social Care
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Coleg Cymraeg Resource Collection
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