This Research conference will be held in hybrid form again this year, on 28 June, with a face-to-face audience at the National Library in Aberystwyth, as well as a live broadcast to a virtual audience. You can find more information about the conference in the Coleg Cymraeg events calendar.
Coleg Cymraeg Research Conference 2024
Supporting the mental health and wellbeing of postgraduate researchers
A guide for PhD supervisors on how to support the mental health and well-being of your research students. The guide includes the challenges researchers may face during each stage of their doctorate, and possible good practice solutions. Translated by Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol in association with UKCGE.
Preparing for your Viva
A guide for doctoral candidates on preparing for the Viva exam. The guide contains information on how to prepare for the exam, what to expect on the day, and frequently asked questions in a Viva exam. The information was translated by Y Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol in collaboration with UKCGE
Good Practice in Developing Educational Provision and Teaching in a Minoritised Language in Universities: Exam...
The purpose of this booklet is to share good practice in developing educational provision and teaching in a minoritised language in universities. The good practice covered in this booklet come from focus groups held with lecturers and students looking at their experiences of Welsh and Irish medium education at universities in Wales and Ireland. This booklet discusses: good practice in encouraging students to study in a minoritised language developing provision in a minoritised language; teaching in a minoritised language supporting students in a minoritised language assessments in a minoritised language normalising the use of a minoritised language among students. We anticipate that this booklet will be useful not only for lecturers and providers of higher education in these countries, but also for lecturers, higher education providers and providers in other education sectors in other parts of the world who are developing educational provision and teaching in a minoritised language.
Coleg Cymraeg Research Conference 2023
This Research conference will be held in hybrid form again this year, on 30 June, with a face-to-face audience at the National Library in Aberystwyth, as well as a live broadcast to a virtual audience. You can find more information about the conference in the Coleg Cymraeg events calendar.
Welsh Phrasebank
Banc Brawddegau (Phrasebank) contains example phrases and sentences which can be used when writing a Welsh-medium essay, dissertation or academic paper. It is aimed at students and researchers, particularly those who may be new to Welsh-medium academic writing. Developed by Professor Enlli Thomas and Bethan Wyn Jones, Bangor University, based of Academic Phrasebank (
Further Education Tutor Support Package
These resources have been designed to support tutors to develop their bilingual teaching skills and increase their awareness of the Lifelong Learning Welsh Record (LLWR) and the LA26 data set. The data set is used to record Welsh and bilingual provision in the post-16 education sector in Wales. The aim of the resources is to give tutors confidence in the way activity completed in Welsh or bilingually is recorded on the LLWR, and to help tutors establish where their provision currently sits. They are also designed to give tutors practical advice on how to move their teaching up the bilingualism continuum. This tutor support pack includes: Handbook - a working document that can be used for reference, as well as to establish specific personal targets for increasing the Welsh/bilingual provision. Online e-learning course - Understanding the Welsh Lifelong Learning Record (LLWR). This interactive online learning module provides an overview of the Welsh Lifelong Learning Record (LLWR) and how it is used by the Welsh Government to record Welsh and bilingual provision in the post-16 education sector in Wales. Sgiliaith bilingual glossary app - 'Sgiliaith Feedback App' - this app contains a wide range of learner feedback and general phrases you can use in your role as a tutor in order to provide learners with a Welsh/bilingual experience. Links to the resources are available below and are also available on the Sgiliaith website
Raising confidence for assessors
The purpose of this online self-study course is to give assessors the resources and information to work confidently bilingually with their learners. The course considers some of the benefits and challenges of working bilingually before setting out to give information, resources and motivation that will enable assessors to develop provision and work confidently through the medium of Welsh. The course is bilingual, and is aimed at raising the confidence of assessors as they provide their training through the medium of Welsh.
Useful software for online teaching
This workshop will be useful for anyone wishing to use fun online platforms in their teaching. Through this resource, you will learn about different platforms to create varied and useful learning experiences for your students. In this resource, you will be introduced to the following platforms: Kahoot Padlet Quizzizz Quizlet Presenter: Dr Nia Cole Jones Dr Nia Cole Jones is a senior lecturer with the Open University. She graduated with a first class degree in Welsh from Aberystwyth University, and went on to study an M.Phil and PhD on the development of the Welsh language in sport and the news. She has worked in higher education for over a decade, focusing on developing students' language skills across all levels.
Health and Wellbeing Resources
Here you will have access to health and wellbeing resources that can be used in lectures, seminars or in personal tutoring meetings. Each resource is accompanied by an instruction sheet for the lecturer. Resources include: Activity 1: The Wheel of Wellbeing Directions 1: The Wheel of Welfare Activity 2: The well-being self-assessment tool Directions 2: The well-being self-assessment tool These resources have been prepared by Dyddgu Hywel, Senior Lecturer in Education, Cardiff Metropolitan University. Sources of Help If you have a medical emergency, serious problem or a threat to life, call 999 If you are worried about your mental health, the first step to getting help is to tell your GP. A list of helplines, charities and useful information can be found on the website
Encouraging students to study through the medium of Welsh
Teaching and Learning Webinar: Encouraging students to study through the medium of Welsh Here you can access a recording of the national Staff Development Webinar held on 23 June 2021. You will need to login to the Coleg Cymraeg's Blackboard site to access the content. After following the link below, if you have an account, press 'Mewngofnodi (Login)', if you don't have an account, fill in your details to create an account and gain access.
Introducing the Welsh Language: Level 3 Uniformed Protective Services
This resource is a collection of resources to support educators who wish to introduce more Welsh in the delivery of the Level 3 Uniformed Protective Services course. The collection has been created to support educators in planning and setting classroom work activities or evidence based on learners' Welsh language skills. The collection includes: • a guide that explains how to use the resource. • 'Mapping the Opportunities to introduce the Welsh language' document for each core unit. • bilingual posters of the key terms for each unit.