Added on: 25/01/2022 Publish Date: 2022 2.2K Cymraeg Yn Unig

Tomorrow's Doctors 5.1


A scheme to support Year 12 pupils, learners and students in their last year of studies with their applications to study Medicine.

  • March: Introduction to the program
  • April: Work experience
  • May: C21 Cardiff University Medical School Curriculum
  • May: Talks with a number of professional doctors
  • June: Swansea University Medical School Curriculum
  • June: Studying through the medium of Welsh and the Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol Scholarship
  • July: Alternative pathways to Medicine
  • August: Summer break
  • September: Question and answer session on the Personal Statement
  • October: Traditional medical interviews
  • November: MMI Interviews
  • December: Interviews

REGISTER BELOW (Registration closing date - 4 February 2022):

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Collection Level
Post-16 and Vocational, AS/A Level
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Coleg Cymraeg Resource Conference/Workshop
mân lun doctoriaid yfory 5.1

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