Added on: 06/11/2024 Publish Date: 2024 332 Dwyieithog

Level 3 Health and Social Care – Principles and Contexts Handbook


Please find link below to Atebol's website to buy the Level 3 Health and Social Care – Principles and Contexts Handbook by Carol Bennett, Sara Jones, Rhiannon Salisbury a Philip Webber.

  • Suitable for Level 3 Health and Social Care: Principles and Contexts, part of the suite of Health and Social Care, and Childcare qualifications in Wales provided by City & Guilds/WJEC. The qualification and this resource are aimed at post-16 learners who are keen to learn more about the health and social care sectors.
  • Suitable for Level 3 Certificate, Foundation Diploma, Diploma or the Extended Diploma.
  • Provides a progression path for learners who have studied Level 2 qualifications in Health and Social Care, and Childcare. This resource is also suitable for learners who have not studied Health and Social Care before.
  • A specific resource for Units 4, 5 and 6 of the qualification. It will also prepare you for external examinations and the relevant assessments.
  • Offers guidance for studying the different subjects to make sure that you have a sound knowledge base and the necessary skills to be successful in your studies.
  • Provides an opportunity to reflect on your experiences with opportunity to do further research to improve your understanding.
  • Selected case studies give you an opportunity to show your understanding of what you have learned within the context of what you will face in your work of caring for others.

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Collection Level
Post-16 and Vocational, AS/A Level
Collection belongs to
Health and Social Care
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