Added on: 18/10/2023 Publish Date: 2024 136 Cymraeg Yn Unig

A paradox in the portrayal of Patagonia in post-devolution Wales. Separado! (Gruff Rhys and Dylan Goch 2010): An initial exploration


This article explores some aspects of the way in which Welsh Patagonia is represented in Separado! (2010), an experimental documentary (in terms of style) by Gruff Rhys and Dylan Goch. This portrayal exists in the context of a range of both factual and fictional Welsh-language representations of Patagonia produced since the 1940s in Wales. Through concepts derived from literary theory (Linda Hutcheon), sociology of culture (Pierre Bourdieu), political theory (Ernesto Laclau), travel writing theory (Graham Huggan and Patrick Holland; Peter Hulme), and postcolonial theory (Mary Louise Pratt), it will be possible to trace in the documentary trends present in previous representations of Patagonia, such as turning to Y Wladfa in politically challenging times in order to address anxieties regarding Welshness and the country’s past and future.

Author: Sara Borda Green

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Higher Education
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History, Linguistics
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Coleg Cymraeg Resource 'Gwerddon' article
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