Resources created from biodiversity workshops held with AS and A level students. The aim of the workshops was to provide students with experience of electrophoresis, PCR (Polymerase chain reaction) techniques and the ways in which they are applied.
Laboratory Experiments and Techniques
A series of short film clips featuring Dr Heledd Iago demonstrating the various important steps in laboratory experiments and techniques across the Biological Sciences.
Statistical Resources for students of Geography and Earth Sciences
A resource pack including examples of how to use statistical techniques in an undergraduate thesis. It contains 12 self-training chapters for second-year students, including: the use of appropriate resources and data, instructions on how to use a Geographical Information System (GIS). The package includes a handbook and data files.
Y Meddwl Modern: Weber – Ellis Roberts
Max Weber is recognised as one of the foremost founders of modern sociology. This volume places him in the tradition of sociology and outlines some of his major contributions: his idea of 'verstehen' or 'sociological imagination', his involvement in the great debate about the relationship between capitalism and the Protestant religion, and his 'ideal types' or definitions of the basics of particular regimes.
Y Meddwl Modern: Marx – Howard Williams
An illustration of the life of Karl Marx: his ideas, the roots of his philosophy and his influence on the world.
Y Meddwl Modern: Durkheim – Huw Morris Jones
Emile Durkheim was the first to hold a university chair in sociology, and his ideas remain of fundamental importance to all who want to understand the origins of the subject. He adopted the image of society as an organism, each part of which has a particular role to play in ensuring the well-being of the whole body. His ideas include an analysis of the social origins of religion, in particular the suggestion that any religious worship is 'worship of society'; its emphasis on what he called 'anomie' as the root of dispute and unrest in the life of an individual and society; and his original and important study of suicide as a social phenomenon. His influence is seen in fields as diverse as criminology on the one hand and literary criticism on the other.
Maniffesto'r Blaid Gomiwnyddol – Karl Marx & Frederick Engels
Welsh translation of the Communist Party Manifesto (Manifest der Kommunistischen Partei). The original translation was published in 1948 to celebrate the centenary of the Manifesto. W. J. Rees based his translation on the fourth German edition (1890). A revised translation was published in 2008, which is the version available here, along with the original introduction to the 1948 publication, the 2008 introduction by Robert Griffiths and a new preface to the digital publication by Howard Williams.
E-lawlyfrau Syniadau Gwleidyddiaeth ('Political Ideas E-books')
Digital resources introducing the core ideas, concepts and principles of Politics.
An introduction to Philosophy modules
Brief introductions to elements of philosophy and the provision available through the Coleg, for students and potential students.
Videos for Business lecturers
A series of short video clips featuring Welsh speakers working in occupations relevant to business modules in Higher and Further Education. The individuals featured in the clips come from a variety of business backgrounds, including marketing, management and tourism. The clips are designed to be incorporated by lecturers in their lectures. They can also be used for recruitment purposes. For Further Education lecturers, the following videos are relevant to core units of Level 3 Business BTEC: Unit 1: Exploring Business – ‘Sefydlu Busnes' videos 4, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 Unit 2: Developing a Marketing Campaign - 'Marchnata' videos 1, 2 Unit 5: International Business - 'Cyllid' video 2 Unit 6: Principles of Management – ‘Adnoddau Dynol’ videos
Be Ddywedodd Durkheim – Ellis Roberts a Paul Birt
Introduction to the ideology of sociologist Emile Durkheim in his own words, translated into Welsh. Durkheim believed that it was possible to create a science to study sociology, and was one of the main founders of modern sociology. According to Durkheim, an individual and his or her actions are controlled by society. He also studied the role of religion in society.
Esboniadur Daearyddiaeth ('Geography Explained')
Definitions and explanations of geographical terms, including processes, landforms, theories and techniques.