Added on: 07/12/2021 Publish Date: 2021 1.8K Dwyieithog

University Ready


University Ready is your easy-to-use hub, whether you’re about to move on to university-level education, or if you’re supporting someone who is – perhaps as a parent, teacher, carer or adviser. You can search by topic – like study skills, wellbeing and mental health, or student life – by institution, and by subject area, so you can be sure of getting straight to the resources you need.

Documents and links:

Collection Level
Higher Education, Post-16 and Vocational, AS/A Level
Collection belongs to
History, Languages, Linguistics, Chemistry, Geography, Physics, Agriculture, Environmental Sciences, Biological Sciences, Computer Sciences, Mathematics, Veterinary Medicine, Engineering, Psychology, Business Studies, Philosophy, Law, Sociology and Social Policy, Youth work, Public services, Politics, Sports Sciences, Surveying/Town and Country Planning, Criminology/Police Sciences, Midwifery, Dentistry, Pharmacy, Physiotherapy, Social Work, Medicine, Nursing, Optometry, Radiography, Speech and Language Therapy, Studying through the medium of Welsh, Cross-disciplinary, Education, Art and Design, Film, Television and Media Studies, Drama and Performance Studies, Welsh, Study Skills, Building and Construction, Childcare, Religious Education, Music, Journalism and Communication, Religious Studies, Health and Social Care, Translation studies, Careers, Hospitality
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