This article explores some aspects of the way in which Welsh Patagonia is represented in Separado! (2010), an experimental documentary (in terms of style) by Gruff Rhys and Dylan Goch. This portrayal exists in the context of a range of both factual and fictional Welsh-language representations of Patagonia produced since the 1940s in Wales. Through concepts derived from literary theory (Linda Hutcheon), sociology of culture (Pierre Bourdieu), political theory (Ernesto Laclau), travel writing theory (Graham Huggan and Patrick Holland; Peter Hulme), and postcolonial theory (Mary Louise Pratt), it will be possible to trace in the documentary trends present in previous representations of Patagonia, such as turning to Y Wladfa in politically challenging times in order to address anxieties regarding Welshness and the country’s past and future. Author: Sara Borda Green
A paradox in the portrayal of Patagonia in post-devolution Wales. Separado! (Gruff Rhys and Dylan Goch 2010): ...
Tasks to develop and assess Teachers' Language Skills
This is a collection of tasks that can be used to develop and assess the language skills of education practitioners against the Language Competency Framework for Education Practitioners. The collection includes tasks for each skill and each level within the Framework. There is a PDF booklet for each level, containing all of the tasks for that selected level. In addition, the tasks are available to download individually in the form of Word documents. If the links do not open the document in a new tab, then the document will have downloaded (look in the downloads folder on your computer).
Am Filiwn: Podcast
A podcast that discusses aspects of education that help pupils along the road to becoming Welsh speakers, in the context of the target to reach a million Welsh speakers by 2050. The podcast will appeal to anyone completing a teacher training course, newly qualified teachers, or anyone who’s already part of the education workforce. It’s also likely to be of interest to anyone who wants to know more about the role of the education system in reaching a million Welsh speakers. It is also an excellent resource to support the Welsh Language Competency Framework for Education Practitioners.
Phonological variation of (ai) in the final unstressed syllable in Cardiff Welsh
This paper presents a quantitative analysis of the phonological variation of (ai) in final unstressed syllables with regard to the orthographic , and in Cardiff Welsh. Due to a lack of research on Cardiff Welsh, it is unclear what form or forms are common for (ai), and this paper presents a contemporary analysis of this feature by examining the effect of dialect contact and standardization on Cardiff Welsh. An analysis of a range of linguistic and social factors affecting (ai) variation in final unstressed syllables in Cardiff Welsh is also presented. This paper also considers the implications of forming new dialects in the context of language revitalization. Author: Ianto Gruffydd
Fferm Ddiogel
*An Oculus Quest 2 headset is required to use the VR version of this resource. An AR version is also available which can be downloaded and used on a phone or tablet.* The best VR experience for anyone interested in farm safety! Fferm Ddiogel is designed to help learners identify and understand potential hazards on the farm, as well as learn how to avoid them in safe and practical ways. Explore the farmyard, where you will learn about the hazards associated with agricultural settings and equipment commonly found on the farm. Visit our ATV training centre, where you will learn about the dangers of riding ATVs. Finally, you can gain experience working with animals in a safe and controlled environment, learning about the risks associated with handling livestock. Our app features five friendly avatars, Ceri, Bevan, Jack, Yana, and Geth, who will guide you through each scenario, providing helpful tips and advice along the way. They will help you identify hazards, understand the potential risks they pose, and how to avoid those risks. Perfect for lecturers and assessors who want to teach practical elements of the curriculum in a safe and controlled environment. This resource has Welsh audio with both Welsh and English suibtitles. *An Oculus Quest 2 headset is required to use the VR version of this resource. An AR version is also available which can be downloaded and used on a phone or tablet.*
More than just words: Communication in Health and Social Care
The aim of this resource is to introduce language awareness within health and social care to higher education students and professional practitioners. Its main objective is to build students' confidence in using their Welsh with patients and colleagues in the NHS. This resource has been developed for higher education students (level 4+) who are studying any health and care subject and intend to go on to pursue a career in the field. It is also suitable for professional practitioners and can be used as part of continual professional development. Except for Unit 1, each unit follows a specific patient pathway to show how different professions intertwine and have an impact on the experience of the patient or service user. You can work through the whole package in order or pick and choose specific units. The units can be taught in the classroom or studied independently. Most of the units present Welsh words, phrases and terminology to use with patients and staff. Although this vocabulary will be familiar to students who already speak Welsh, they are encouraged to consider how to share and teach the vocabulary to their peers. As a result, this content is suitable for all students, regardless of their Welsh ability.
Celf a Dylunio ar y Map - 2023 (Art and Design on the MAP)
The aim of the 'Celf a Dylunio ar y Map’ is to offer a unique opportunity for Welsh-medium Art and Design students to come together in one place to share and discuss their work and to benefit from the experience of artists and others who work in the industry. The theme of the festival was 'Reinterpreting Tradition'. The below video gives a flavour of the festival.
Coleg Cymraeg Research Conference 2023
This Research conference will be held in hybrid form again this year, on 30 June, with a face-to-face audience at the National Library in Aberystwyth, as well as a live broadcast to a virtual audience. You can find more information about the conference in the Coleg Cymraeg events calendar.
Translanguaging Resources
Resources from Dr Alex Lovell, Swansea University to assist with the skill of Translanguaging, which is part of the Welsh Second Language AS/A Level specification (U2 Unit 5, Section B). Resources include: Language Workshop: Translanguaging - video lecture Translanguaging Language Workshop PowerPoint slides Translanguaging worksheet The resources: consider what 'translanguaging' is and what are the benefits? discuss how to write an effective translanguage analyze a good example includes tasks to further practice translanguaging skills Resources created by the Department of Welsh, Swansea University, with funding from the Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol.
Discussion Panel: Yr Hengerdd a Dafydd ap Gwilym
This is a valuable opportunity to hear a panel of experts and familiar faces discuss the early and medieval poetry of Aneirin, Talieisin and Dafydd ap Gwilym. The panel includes Professor Jerry Hunter, Dr Aled Llion Jones, and Professor Peredur Lynch, Bangor University. Specifically suitable for year 13 learners who are studying for their Unit 5 Welsh exam, but of wider interest as well. A session recorded in Pontio, Bangor, during May 2023, in collaboration between Bangor University's Department of Welsh and Pontio. Sponsored by the Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol. Session in Welsh. Looking for more resources? Watch our Ar-lên study sessions available here or here.
Childcare Case Studies: Including Every Child
This resource has been prepared for learners studying for the Level 2 qualification Care, Play, Learning, and Child Development: Practice and Theory and Unit 001 Principles and Values of Care, Play, Learning and Child Development (ages 0-19). Some of the major principles behind Unit 001 are introduced through case studies, that is 4 stories of young children attending early childhood provision, such as nursery or a cylch meithrin. Here they are: Deio who is 3 years old and has epilepsy. Hanna who is 4 years old and has diabetes. Eshaal who is 3 years old and has allergies. Caio who is three and a half years old and has autism. The studies offer a view of the children through the lens of themes relevant to Deio, Hanna, Eshaal, and Caio – and to every child in fact. These themes – the big principles – are: Children's rights Inclusion Equality of opportunity The most important thing, of course, in any provision is to ensure that all children are safe, but children's conditions should not interfere with their right to have fun, to learn, to enjoy the company of other children, to adventure in the open air... These major principles are framed in legislation such as: the Children Act 1989 and 2004, the Equality Act 2010, the Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015. And there are policies and guidelines such as the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and the Welsh Government's Seven Core Aims. These will be a thread through the 4 case studies and they apply to Deio, Hanna, Eshaal, and Cai and yet, they are important to all children.
Discussion Panel: Branwen
This is a valuable opportunity to hear a panel of experts and familiar faces discuss Branwen, ferch Llŷr. During the session, there will be a discussion on various aspects of the story by experts on medieval prose. The panel includes Professor Jerry Hunter and Dr Aled Llion Jones, Bangor University, and Dr Rhiannon Ifans. Specifically suitable for year 13 learners who are studying for their Unit 5 Welsh exam, but of wider interest as well. A session recorded in Pontio, Bangor, during April 2023, in collaboration between Bangor University's Department of Welsh and Pontio. Sponsored by the Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol. Session in Welsh. Looking for more resources on Branwen? Watch our Ar-lên study sessions available here.