A conference held on 28 April 2021 for undergraduate and postgraduate Psychology students and those studying related subjects such as health and education. 17-18 year old learners were invited to join. The morning presentations followed the themes of: Health & Wellbeing Language, Development and Education. A Careers Panel was held in the afternoon with people representing the following careers: Educational Psychologist Clinical Psychologist Applied Behaviour Analysis Psychologist Speech & Language Therapist Higher Education lecturer There was also an opportunity to ask questions. The conference was held online, through the medium of Welsh
Online Psychology Conference
Cennydd Owen Jones, 'Adolygiad o Ffynonellau AmgylcheddolTwbercwlosis Buchol (Mycobacterium bovis)' (2021)
Bovine TB (bTB) is one of the main animal health and welfare challenges in Wales and was responsible for the slaughter of 10,974 cattle in Wales between June 2019 and May 2020 (DEFRA, 2020). It is estimated that the disease costs the taxpayer £15 million annually in Wales alone, which includes veterinary costs, compensation to farmers, administrative costs, etc. Furthermore, dealing with the disease has an effect on the mental health of those involved. The link between wildlife and bTB is an obvious one that fuels much debate, but what about the role that the environment plays in nurturing and spreading this disease? There are scientists who have already explored this question by successfully demonstrating at laboratory level that the conditions present in the cow’s environment are favourable for M. bovis. Despite this, research at farm level remains scarce, especially in areas that suffer from chronic cases of bTB. The purpose of this literature review is to summarise the current situation in Wales, and the state of our knowledge regarding environmental bTB.
Jerry Hunter, 'Perthnasedd Poen ac Undonedd: Kate Roberts a Ffuglen y 1930au' (2021)
This article considers the development of Welsh fiction in the 1930s by examining various ideas concerning the nature of realism. Reading the correspondence between Saunders Lewis and Kate Roberts is a means of analysing the ways in which the two authors perceived the essentials of a realist aesthetics. Saunders Lewis’s reaction to the first draft of the novel Traed mewn Cyffion (‘Feet in Chains’) is discussed along with Kate Roberts’s suggestion made while defending the work that ‘pain and monotony’ are relevant in the 1930s and valid literary themes. It is suggested that Kate’s appeal to the work of the Irish novelist Peadar O’Donnell is important in order to understand her aesthetics. The relationship between Traed mewn Cyffion and one of O’Donnell’s novels, Islanders, is then examined.
Charlotte Greenway ac Alison Rees Edwards, 'Agweddau Athrawon tuag at ADCG: Adolygiad ac Argymhellion ar gyfer...
Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) rates in classrooms have increased in recent years. Literature has acknowledged the significance of teachers’ attitudes towards ADHD when making referral and intervention decisions (Anderson et al., 2012) and how teachers’ attitudes affect pupil behaviours and outcomes (Rush and Harrison 2008). Teachers need to provide support for these children, yet they often feel ambivalent towards ADHD due to a lack of sufficient knowledge (Alkahtani 2013), conflicting information surrounding the disorder (Dryer, Kiernan a Tyson 2013), different cultural expectations (Moon 2012) and educational systems (Timimi and Radcliffe 2005). This paper provides a review of the literature regarding teacher attitudes towards ADHD, explores limitations in the current literature and the concerns surrounding the measurement of teachers’ attitudes towards ADHD. The paper ends with recommendations for the future.
Einion Dafydd, 'Yr Eglwys Gatholig Rufeinig a’r Undeb Ewropeaidd: Crefydd a Llywodraethiant yn yr Unfed Ganrif...
This study considers how the Roman Catholic Church and the broader Catholic community interacts with the European Union (EU). It outlines the organisational form of the most active Catholic bodies, and sets out how they engage with EU policy processes. The empirical analysis draws on original interviews carried out with practitioners. It demonstrates that the relationship between the Catholic community and the EU operates on three levels – on the diplomatic level, on a partly formalised institutional level and on an informal level – and that an appreciation of all three levels is necessary in order to understand how the Catholic community operates in Brussels. Three sets of consequences are presented and these develop understanding of the role of religion in contemporary governance.
Developing the bilingual workforce and communities of the future
The Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol along with CollegesWales held an online panel event, in the form of a Zoom webinar, with politicians from the three main parties in Wales to discuss the contribution of the post-16 sector to the aim of creating a bilingual workforce and communities and a million Welsh speakers by 2050. The event provided an opportunity to hear what the parties are committing to in terms of developing bilingualism in the post-16 sector in order to move the agenda forward during the next Senedd term as well as the priorities of the Coleg Cymraeg and CollegesWales. You can watch the session by following the link below:
Public Services Bilingual Vocabulary Posters
This collection consists of a series of posters which include general key terms for learners studying Public Services. These posters were developed by Coleg Sir Gâr. The series includes 9 pdfs which can be downloaded and printed to support the introduction of Welsh on Public Services courses. The posters can be displayed on the wall in the classroom. The collection also includes a series of posters which include key terms specific for Level 3 Uniformed Protective Services units. There are key terms posters available for all 7 units which are: Unit 1: Citizenship and Diversity  Unit 2: Behaviour and Discipline in the Uniformed Protective Services Unit 3: Global Affairs, the Media and the Uniformed Protective Services Unit 4: Physical Preparation, Health and Wellbeing Unit 5: Teamwork, Leadership and Communication in the Uniformed Protective Services Unit 6: Government and the Protective Services Unit 7: Planning for and Responding to Emergency Incidents Note that accessible Word documents are available for both resources separately.
'Cefn Llwyfan’ - 'Backstage' Pursuing a career in Art and Design (24 March 2021)
Are you studying Art, Design and Technology, or interest in the field? Join us in a fascinating conversation with 4 young Welsh artists who are establishing themselves in the art and design world in Wales and beyond. 'Cefn Llwyfan' Pursuing a career in Art and Design zoom talk is organised in collaboration with the Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol, Coleg Sir Gâr School of Art, Swansea College of Art and Cardiff College of Art. The four contributors are: Photographer Carys Huws, who works internationally and now lives in Berlin. Designer Alis Knits, who pioneers crafts and materials from her studio in Cardiff and Lampeter. Designer Llio Davies, who specialises in ceramic and jewellery designs Swansea-based young artist Tomos Sparnon Wednesday, 24 March 2021 Time – 6PM To get the zoom link - email m.jones@colegcymraeg.ac.uk
Golwg ar Gelf art exhibition
'Golwg ar Gelf' (A look at art) is an experimental virtual exhibition which gives Welsh medium students, studying across the fields of Art and Design, to share their work.
Ar-lên Recordings (Revision Webinars for AS/A Level Welsh students) March - May 2021
Revision webinars organized by the Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol for year 12 and 13 students studying AS / A level Welsh. The sessions are hosted by lecturers from the Welsh departments of Bangor, Aberystwyth, Swansea and Cardiff universities, with the aim of enhancing your understanding of some of the literature topics you are studying in class. Recordings through the medium of Welsh. Remember to follow the @CymraegCCC Twitter account and Instagram @instagymraeg account for more information and news about Welsh as a Subject. New Ar-lên session for 2021-22 are taking place between 1 December 2021 and 16 March 2022. Click here to view the schedule and to register.
Profion Ffitrwydd Website - How to conduct fitness tests
A website containing videos and written instructions on how to perform health-related fitness assessments, in accordance with ACSM Guidelines. The resource would mainly be useful up to level 4. The aim of this resource is to provide advice and guidance on conducting initial health screening and fitness assessments, in line with ACSM protocols. There is a video that explains and illustrates the protocol, and a supporting document which illustrates the protocol in written format for each of the following aspects: Health screening Participant instructions Blood pressure Resting heart rate BMI measurement Waist and hip circumferences Cardiorespiratory fitness Hand grip test Push-up test Sit and reach test There is a link to the website below:
Technical terminology for teaching through the medium of Welsh
Presenters: Professor Delyth Prys and Dr Tegau Andrews The aim of this workshop is to : Give an introduction to terminology standardization work, internationally and nationally, linking the theoretical and practical aspects, in order to explain the standardization process and its relevance to the work of the Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol. Give staff and students at the Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol a better understanding of the dictionary and terminology resources which are available, to help them write and communicate better using good, academic Welsh. Reveal how Welsh terms are coined and standardized, discussing the international standards which drive the process and introducing specific examples, so that interested parties can understand how these terms become part of our language. Provide initial guidance to authors, translators and project managers who have been funded by the Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol to develop Welsh-language resources for students, explaining how terms are relevant to them and where terminology work fits within the timescale of creating resources. Content: A general overview of the dictionary and terminology resources available to staff and students of the Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol. Practical support on how to use general dictionaries and on-line electronic terminology dictionaries. An explanation of how terms are standardized in Welsh, and the relevance of international standards to this process. An outline of the stages involved in developing resources for the Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol, focusing on the role of terminology in these stages. At the end of the workshop, attendees should be able to: Have a better understanding of the importance of using standardized terminology in academic writing. Be able to use dictionary and terminology resources more effectively in their work and improve the standard of their academic Welsh. Know where to turn if they need further assistance with Welsh technical terms. Have a better understanding of the way in which terms are standardized for the Welsh language. Be able to plan new resources for students taking into account any essential terminology. Biographies: Professor Delyth Prys has been Senior Editor within the Centre for the Standardization of Welsh Terminology (now part of the Language Technologies Unit at Canolfan Bedwyr) since 1993, and has been the Head of the Language Technologies Unit since 2001. She leads a mixed team of linguists and software experts who develop innovative digital language tools for the Welsh language. Dr Tegau Andrews has been a Terminologist for the Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol since 2009. During this time, she has developed Geiriadur Termau’r Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol (the Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol Terminological Dictionary) which has become one of the main terminological dictionaries for the Welsh language and includes definitions, diagrams and explanatory illustrations.