Added on: 16/04/2021 Publish Date: 2021 1.6K Cymraeg Yn Unig

Gŵyl MAP a'r Gynhadledd Theatr (21/4/2021)


This year 'Gŵyl MAP a'r Gynhadledd Theatr' was held ON-LINE!

It was an exiting opportunity to perform and discuss work amongst fellow theatre and performance students. Participants were able to listen to actors, playwrights and theatre directors discuss the past year, and to take a look at the future of theatre.

It was held on Wednesday 21/04/2021

Below, you can watch the Panel Discussion that was held during the event.

Documents and links:

Collection Level
Higher Education
Collection belongs to
Film, Television and Media Studies, Drama and Performance Studies
All Rights Reserved
Coleg Cymraeg Resource Conference
mân-lun gwyl Map 2021

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