This article explores some aspects of the way in which Welsh Patagonia is represented in Separado! (2010), an experimental documentary (in terms of style) by Gruff Rhys and Dylan Goch. This portrayal exists in the context of a range of both factual and fictional Welsh-language representations of Patagonia produced since the 1940s in Wales. Through concepts derived from literary theory (Linda Hutcheon), sociology of culture (Pierre Bourdieu), political theory (Ernesto Laclau), travel writing theory (Graham Huggan and Patrick Holland; Peter Hulme), and postcolonial theory (Mary Louise Pratt), it will be possible to trace in the documentary trends present in previous representations of Patagonia, such as turning to Y Wladfa in politically challenging times in order to address anxieties regarding Welshness and the country’s past and future. Author: Sara Borda Green
A paradox in the portrayal of Patagonia in post-devolution Wales. Separado! (Gruff Rhys and Dylan Goch 2010): ...
Tasks to develop and assess Teachers' Language Skills
This is a collection of tasks that can be used to develop and assess the language skills of education practitioners against the Language Competency Framework for Education Practitioners. The collection includes tasks for each skill and each level within the Framework. There is a PDF booklet for each level, containing all of the tasks for that selected level. In addition, the tasks are available to download individually in the form of Word documents. If the links do not open the document in a new tab, then the document will have downloaded (look in the downloads folder on your computer).
GCSE Mathematics Revision Guides
Revision guides kindly provided by Coleg Gwent to assist students and learners sitting Maths GCSE exams. There are separate guides for the foundation and intermediate levels.
JISC Case Studies: Digital Collaboration in the Post-16 Sector
Jisc is working in partnership with Welsh Government to drive forward Digital 2030, which aims to see learning providers in Wales harness the potential of digital technology underpinned by principles of innovation, collaboration, co-production and social partnership. To support this, Jisc has sourced and developed six examples of successful collaborative initiatives using digital tools and technology in post-16 learning and teaching in Wales. We outlined the key success factors for these case studies and showed where each collaborative approach could be scaled up or was beneficial to address particular issues or subjects. As a whole, these case studies offer an insight into the exciting possibilities opened up by collaboration within and across sectors, enabled by digital technology, when partners in a collaboration share a common vision and sustainable approach. Key themes supporting Wales’ digital ambitions The case studies can be seen as exemplars of the four key national priorities outlined in the Welsh Government’s call to action for FE institutions in December 2022: Work collaboratively to widen access to learning opportunities Develop learners’ and staff digital capabilities and confidence for learning, life and work Maximise the potential of technology to empower, enthuse and inspire learners Embed agile, resilient and sustainable approaches to delivery The case studies The six case studies encompass colleges across Wales and collaborations across FE and with sixth forms, HE, work-based learning and community learning (see Appendix 1). The digital tools and technology in use range from virtual classrooms and virtual reality technology to apps and collaboration platforms such as Microsoft Teams. In brief, the case studies cover: Digital Diamonds: an active Welsh community of practice helping practitioners and managers deliver Essential Skills Wales (ESW) Digital Literacy across post-16 education and training. Educ8 and CEMET (University of South Wales): developing virtual reality resources for work-based learning through a collaborative approach with HE and employers. Growing Comms: installing connected active learning spaces in HE and FE through cross-sector collaboration, with strongly positive impacts on learners. St David’s WeConnect: collaboration between sixth forms to provide a wider curriculum through virtual classrooms. Target Tracker: colleges working collaboratively to develop digital tools to support learners with additional needs. Urdd Gobaith Cymru and the Gwreiddio Scheme (Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol): developing Welsh language skills through collaborative learning for apprentices and teaching staff.
Creating and Using Bilingual Resources
This collection includes a blog and a recording of a webinar on creating and using Welsh medium and bilingual resources that were created by JISC in summer 2021. The blog is bilingual and the webinar is in Welsh with bilingual slides. Guest contributors to the webinar included the Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol (Dr Lowri Morgans, Joanna Evans, Mary Richards and Enfys Owen), Welsh Government (Gareth Morlais) and Sgiliaith (Helen Humphreys).
Teclyn Iaith (Welsh Toolkit)
This toolkit contains information about practical resources, programmes and apps that staff can use to improve their Welsh and to improve their learner's Welsh. The website is completely bilingual and suitable for everyone, whatever their Welsh language skills.
BTEC National Business Coursebooks
A Welsh adaptation of Pearson BTEC National Business - Student Book 1 for students following the BTEC Business Certificate, Extended Certificate and Foundation Diploma. It provides support through all compulsory units and a range of choice units, e.g. Exploring Business; Developing a Marketing Campaign; Event Organising; and Customer Services Enquiries.
BTEC National in Sport Coursebooks
Welsh adaption of 'BTEC National Sports Student Book 1', 'BTEC National Sports Student Book 2', and 'BTEC National Sports Units 1 and 2 Revision Workbook' for students studying BTEC the Foundation Diploma and the Extended Diploma. The book supports students through all compulsory units and choice units such as: Anatomy and Physiology; Health, Sport and Welfare; Sport Psychology; Professional Development in Sport. 2016 Specification.* *Please not ethat a new specification has been published, for further information, please visit Qualifications in Wales website.
Level 2 Health and Social Care: Core Coursebook
A Welsh adaptation of Level 2 Health and Social Care: Core (Qualifications Wales), that was developed by Hodder in partnership with City & Guilds. This book is for post-16 learners in Wales who work, or want to work in, the health and social care sectors. It covers the seven core units of the qualification and will also prepare students for the MCQ exam which is assessed externally with the assessments assessed internally within the institution. The textbook covers a basic knowledge and understanding of the All-Wales Founding Framework for Health and Social Care and reflects a variety of different roles and settings. It includes: • Health and social care principles and values • Health and well-being • Professional practice as a health and social care worker • Protecting individuals • Health and safety in health and social care.
Level 2 Construction Coursebook
Please see a link to's website below to purchase a Foundation in Construction and Construction Services Engineering textbook or e-book - Core by Mike Jones (Welsh medium). This coursebook encompasses all the content of the six core units in the Foundation qualification and prepares students for the externally marked MCQ examination, together with the internally marked Health and Safety Test. The textbook supports learners studying the core units in this Level 2 qualification (Qualifications Wales). It provides a broad introduction to construction and the built environment and develops vital knowledge and understanding of the construction industry over six chapters. A key chapter includes important principles relating to workplace health and safety and the wellbeing responsibilities of all employees on site. The subjects covered by the core units provide essential foundational knowledge that forms a foundation on which to gradually study selected craft specialties to complete the course. Topics considered include: • the buildings and structures that make up the built environment and how changes occur over time • the trades, roles and careers in the construction sector and built environment • employability skills relevant to workplace situations • how construction and the built environment affect social, economic and environmental sustainability • Use and application of emerging technologies.
Welsh Government Anti-Racist Virtual World
In collaboration with mXreality, and working with teams specialising in the subject from Cardiff and Vale College, the Welsh Government has developed an immersive, accessible and expansive 3D metaworld environment, comprising of five areas relating to different themes. They look forward to sharing their experiences, stories and anecdotes with you, and you are invited to engage in an immersive learning experience, which will enhance your understanding of the world. As you explore this world, you are asked to engage with the resources and reflect on their significance. This is an opportunity for you to learn about the cultures and traditions that make up part of our shared identity. The Metaworld consists of the following sections: Experiences The Metaworld of Experiences is situated on a street of representative semi-detached houses in Wales, with access to six houses (three on each side of the street). In each of the houses, you can learn more about the background and interests of the individuals who live there by watching the video playing on the TV and by clicking on some of the interactive items (identified by a three spot icon) in the living room. Immersive Studies The Immersive Studies Metaworld consists of a main lower level area and three upper level areas. The main area has a variety of items of geometrical interest because of their shapes and patterns, which show the connection between mathematics, science and nature. You can learn more about these items by clicking on them. A QR Code is also visible on a panel near some items, which can be scanned with your mobile phone's camera to view a 3D or Augmented Reality (AR) version of the item on your device. The higher level includes: Mathematics room – allows visitors to explore the importance and history of mathematical and geometrical numbers and shapes Hair and Beauty Room – allows visitors to familiarise themselves with the history and origins of hair and beauty Inventions Room – educates visitors about some significant inventions and early contributions to contemporary life World Timeline The World Timeline Metaworld consists of a main central area and four geographic regions, all of which you can access via a tunnel from the central area. Each tunnel displays information that presents the background, identity and image of a representative individual from that region. Each of the four regions (detailed below), comprises four time periods, allowing visitors to experience architecture, images, and representational information in relation to ancient times, medieval times, early modern times, and the world today. The four regions available in this Metaworld are: Africa, Indian Subcontinent, Middle East and Northern Europe. As you move around the world timeline, in the central area and in each of the regions, interactive items you can click on link to videos that present useful additional information. QR Codes are also available in some of the regions, which can be scanned with your mobile phone's camera to view a 3D or Augmented Reality (AR) version of the item on your device. Curriculum This section allows you to engage with a wide range of carefully crafted topics in order to surmise that their plan will be anti-racist. The section consists of the following topics: Sociology Hair & Beauty Health and Social Care Black Feminism Politics Mathematics Film Studies African philosophy English for speakers of other languages Basic Education for Adults Additional Learning Needs Tutorial
Am Filiwn: Podcast
A podcast that discusses aspects of education that help pupils along the road to becoming Welsh speakers, in the context of the target to reach a million Welsh speakers by 2050. The podcast will appeal to anyone completing a teacher training course, newly qualified teachers, or anyone who’s already part of the education workforce. It’s also likely to be of interest to anyone who wants to know more about the role of the education system in reaching a million Welsh speakers. It is also an excellent resource to support the Welsh Language Competency Framework for Education Practitioners.